We shouldn’t need to sacrifice function or longevity for aesthetics.

My F&F programs are 3-month, 3-phase programs that blend my passions for sustainable strength training, physique development, and athletic movement. I designed them as an affordable yet high-quality option for those who want to mix up their training, feel great, and develop confidence in their body - both form AND function.

They are designed with a full gym or home set-up in mind, but some modifications can be made.

All three are lifetime access, so you can run them whenever you want!

  • OG F&F

    The original Form & Function! This program is a 4-day, upper/lower split with an optional 5th HIIT day.

    For all three programs, each phase builds on the last, from base strength, hypertrophy, and finally, athleticism.

  • F&F 2.0

    2.0 was written due to popular demand! This program can be done before or after 1.0. A 4-day, upper/lower split with an optional 5th mobility/recovery day.

  • F&F 3.0

    I learn so much from clients , which is why I feel 3.0 is the best program yet! This one is a 3-day, full body split with 2 optional conditioning days.

TEAM F&F Membership!

For those who loved the programs, and want to stick with it for the long haul (without the price tag of 1:1 coaching):

Join my group training subscription!

4-6 days/ week of programming on the TrainHeroic app,

dedicated mobility day,

6-week training blocks,

Free Nutrition Guide,

access to coach Meghan,

and support from a killer team of like-minded lifters!